Adult Probation
Adult Probation
Protecting the community, serving justice, and changing lives.
Residents and families that thrive
Clean, safe and livable communities
A diverse, equitable and inclusive city
Excellent city services
A city and region prepared for the future

Strategic Plan Highlights
Provide Services that Break the Cycle of Crime
Provide Services that Break the Cycle of Crime
- Increase public safety through timely engagement with individuals under community supervision.
- Connect transitional age youth with specialized programming and social services to increase likelihood for long-term success.
Support Victims of Crime
Enhance Services Provided at a One-Stop Center
Enhance Services Provided at a One-Stop Center
- Provide effective case management services that support each client to achieve individualized success at a one-stop re-entry center.
- Build partnerships to deliver timely and effective mental health and substance use disorder treatment services.
Promote Services for Low-Level Drug Offenders
Promote Services for Low-Level Drug Offenders
- Implement a new program to offer health and social services as an alternative to arrests or jail time, with the goal to better meets clients’ needs and reduce criminal behavior.
Improve Data Collection & Reporting
Improve Data Collection & Reporting
- Develop a robust case management system that allows data collection, analysis, and reporting to continually improve service delivery.