Civil Service Commission


Civil Service Commission

We establish, ensure, and maintain an equitable and credible merit system for public service for the citizens of San Francisco.

City and County of San Francisco city seal

Strategic Plan Highlights

Increase Access to the Commission’s Resources
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Increase Access to the Commission’s Resources

  • Consider government television channels as a way to increase resident access to information.
  • Develop new approaches to reaching residents living with disabilities and residents with limited English language.


Create Greater Transparency & Efficiencies
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Create Greater Transparency & Efficiencies

  • Improve how the City hires and promotes employees.
  • Ensure all departments follow hiring and promotion rules through regular monitoring and evaluation.
  • Address complaints about the hiring and promotion process with fairness and urgency.


Ensure the Timely Resolution of Appeals
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Ensure the Timely Resolution of Appeals

  • Monitor and resolve complaints in a timely, effective and fair manner.


Ensure Policies & Procedures are Easily Understood
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Ensure Policies & Procedures are Easily Understood

  • Provide clear and well-organized information about hiring and promotion in the City.
  • Ensure that conflicts between employees and management are addressed quickly and fairly, and do not conflict with fair hiring practices.
  • Hire and promote employees using methods that decrease the potential for bias.


Strengthen Oversight of the Merit System
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Strengthen Oversight of the Merit System

  • Work with departments to ensure fair and lawful hiring practices.